The RFI Parents Handbook

4 Nov 2019 by Frank Barilla

Good Afternoon,

I am pleased to introduce the latest version of the RFI Parents Handbook. This document is the best way we can describe what RFI is and what it means to be part of it.

I would like to thank those who have contributed to the most recent updates in content, the people involved in the redesign and the various photographers who’s photos are included.

We are well aware that our style is unique and it can be very hard sometimes to understand what we are doing or what we are thinking at times. This document is, to some extent, a door into our inner sanctum, and therefore an invitation to get more involved and get closer to everyone and everything at the Club. By doing so you will be achieving the most important outcome of all: to help your child have a better experience. (Carlos Drechsler, Founder of RFI)

I Invite all members to take some minutes to have a read through this document and make themselves aware of what we are achieving.

Thank you,
Frankie Barilla